New web page with documents to download

Intercope is pleased to offer you a new page on our Website where you can download brochures, White Papers and other interesting documentation. Currently you find here the following documents:

Box for SWIFTNet

  • The announcement of the new BOX for SWIFTNet release including CBT functionality scheduled for Q4 2010
  • A White Paper giving a comprehensive overview about all functions and aspects of the  BOX for SWIFTNet solution
  • A document explaining in detail how ISO 20022 financial messages are implemented in  BOX for SWIFTNet


  • A White Paper about the functions, integration options and architecture of MessagePlus/Open
  • A document giving an overview about the technology deployed in Fax over IP (FoIP) and the implementation of this protocol in MessagePlus/Open

Whenever we provide additional information on this download page we will keep you posted via this blog.