Intercope – Providing a secure platform for financial messaging

Intercope provide deep expertise and a platform for all interbank messaging that embraces new standards and market initiatives while reducing costs and boosting revenues. Intercope’s BOX Messaging Hub offers multi-network connectivity, SWIFT CSP compliance, ISO 20022 migration, T2 & T2S consolidation supporting ESMIG, SWIFT gpi, Instant Payments for multiple CSMs over multiple networks, to legacy SWIFT consolidation and replacement.

Single window solution

BOX supports multiple financial networks (EBICS, SIAnet and SWIFTNet) on the same platform for all messages and files

Complete SWIFT solution

BOX supports all SWIFT business areas and interfaces (FIN, FileAct, InterAct, RMA)

Flexible and dynamic solution

Manage, segregate, enhance and store all financial messaging management in the BOX solution

Secure and robust platform

BOX is SWIFT CSP certified with the highest level of resilience thanks to true active-active capabilities

High scalability and availability

The solution is designed for and proven at tier1 banks, central banks, service providers and market infrastructures

Reliable and experienced partner

All customers are reference customers with repeat projects and expanding implementations

The replacement project experts

Intercope’s BOX was designed to help customers migrate seamlessly without changing back end applications. We have completed over 40 replacement and consolidation projects; moving our customers from legacy and ‘not fit for purpose’ solutions onto our single BOX platform. Our implementation teams are very experienced in all types of SWIFT replacement and financial messaging projects.

Customers using BOX to replace their existing SWIFT solution found some significant improvements, e.g. one new customer saw a 99% reduction in the failure rate of corporate payments files as an immediate result of moving to BOX.

cost savings

SWIFT operational
cost savings

Reduction in
customer payment
failure rate

What our customers say

“As a result of the project, we reduced the annual costs for SWIFT infrastructure licenses, hardware maintenance and connectivity to the SWIFT network by 65 percent”

“When we thought of replacing WBIFN our objective was to cut costs by 50%, an objective we have exceeded by concentrating all SWIFT communications in one BOX instance”

“Intercope is a team of passionate
and highly competent engineers”

“In the first two months of going live with BOX, we saw a success rate of 99.98% for all SWIFT FileAct messages coming into the bank, reducing the number of failures from 2% (over the previous 11 months) to just 0.02%.“



BOX New York Mixer 2025
27 March 2025

BOX User Forum 2025
May 2025
TBC, Germany

EBAday 2025
27 – 28 May 2025
Paris, France

Sibos 2025
29 Sep – 2 Oct 2025
Frankfurt, Germany

BOX User Forum

The BOX User Forum, hosted by Intercope, is a yearly industry event that brings BOX customers, partners and industry experts together. It allows for users to exchange experiences, raise development requests and spend time with Intercope specialists while hearing about the latest industry trends, case studies and attend language-specific workshops.

Over the past decade, the User Forum has grown from just 10 to over 100 participants from around the world, making it a vibrant and “not to be missed” event.

In 2019, Intercope hosted the first ever BOX User Forum dedicated to the Americas region. This allowed for a more regional approach with market-specific topics and industry discussions. 

In 2020 and 2021, Intercope hosted the the BOX User Forum online with over 140 attendees joining from all over the world. In 2022, the BOX User Forum was held as a hybrid event; allowing attendees to be there in person or follow via the live stream. 

The ever-evolving concept and structure of the BOX User Forum will continue to move towards a more regional approach over the next years, allowing customers tailor-made events. 

“The BOX User Forum continues to be one of the preeminent “must attend” events of the year. No other conference provides the synergy of bringing global industry leaders in technology and business together for an exchange of ideas and knowledge crucial to our evolving industry requirements. I would highly recommend this conference to anyone who needs to be on the forefront of the ever changing financial messaging landscape.”

BOX User Forum participant