New statistics tool for SWIFT traffic
Box for SWIFTNet includes a new tool providing detailed information about the SWIFT traffic including FIN, FileAct, and Interact.
The BOX statistics tool reads SAG event logs as a central data source and provides unified reports even when different CBTs are used. The tool stores all collected data in DB2 or Oracle database tables and includes a set of standard statistics. In addition tools such as Crystal Reports or BIRT can be used to create any type of individual report.
Data provided for FIN and GPA traffic includes:
- Own BIC12
- Session Number
- Sequence Number
- GPA / FIN Indicator
- In / Out Indicator
- SAG Event Date/Time
- SAG Message Partner
Data provided for FileAct traffic includes:
- Requestor Distinguished Name (DN)
- Responder DN
- File Size
- Service Name
- Request Type
- Transfer Reference
- Get / Put / Fetch Indicator
- In / Out Indicator
- Success Indicator
- Last Transmission Status
- SAG Event Date/Time
- SAG Message Partner
The BOX statics tool can run independently of the BOX server and even on a different platform such as z/Os, z/Linux, AIX, Linux, Solaris. or Windows.