Box for SWIFTNet at DIDUG 2010
From May 3 to May 5 the annual meeting of the German speaking MERVA user group (DIDUG) took place in Bremen, Germany. Reinhart Laumer (CEO) and Olaf Grossler (Manager of Implementation & Support) presented Box for SWIFTNet to the participating MERVA users, IBMers and IBM business partners. A great deal of interest was shown by the attendees as Reinhart and Olaf discussed the functions and architecture of the solution, and showed how 4 large financial institutions in Germany and Austria are currently successfully migrating from MERVA to a new solution based on Box for SWIFTNet. They also gave the participants an insight to the current status and plans for the SWIFT certification and general availability of the FIN CBT functionality now under development.
Click here to download their presentation: BOX at DIDUG 2010