Migration to SWIFTNet 7 with BOX for SWIFTNet
SWIFTNet Release 7.0 has been available since December 31 2010. SWIFTNet 7.0 is a major and mandatory release impacting both the messaging (SWIFTNet) and connectivity components including BOX for SWIFTNet. SWIFT mandates that all customers upgrade their SWIFTNet infrastructure before the end of March 2012. In order to participate in this new environment all connectivity products must be certified for SWIFTNet 7. Intercope has obtained the following dates for the SWIFT certification testing of BOX for SWIFTNet:
- April 18 2011: FileAct
- June 24 2011: Interact
- September 26 2011: RMA
General availability of BOX for SWIFTNet V3R14 with the complete SWIFTNet 7 certified functionality is scheduled for October 15 2011. This will allow customers sufficient time to test this version before migrating it into production. If customers plan to perform preliminary testing of SWIFT components such as SAG/SNL 7 with SWIFTNet 6 functionality this can be done today with BOX for SWIFNet V3R9 and V3R10 (see also SWIFTNet 7.0 backward compatibility test results).
One major new feature of SWIFTNet 7 is the use of RMA security features for FileAct and InterAct. To update the RMA datastore BOX for SWIFTNet exchanges InterAct messages with SWIFT via SAG. Previously supported protocols such as DIAS and EIAS from IBM WBI-FN are no longer applicable as they are not supported by IBM with SWIFTNet 7.