Intercope announces SEPA and EBICS functions for BOX at SIBOS
From October 29 to November 1st 2012 SIBOS – one of the most important annual events in the banking and finance industry – takes place in Osaka, Japan. At the first day of the event Intercope announced important extensions for its financial messaging solution BOX for SWIFTNet (BOX).
With general availability scheduled for the first quarter 2013 BOX will include comprehensive functions to handle all aspects of SEPA (Single European Payment Area) messages such as SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Direct Debit including bulking and debulking, handling of R-transactions, message validation and conversion, and a SEPA message warehouse. More details about this announcement can be found here .
In the second quarter 2013 BOX in addition will provide communication facilities corresponding to the EBICS standard (Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard). EBICS is currently mainly used in Germany and France for various financial transactions including SEPA messages and may evolve into a European standard in future. More details about this announcement can be found here .
“Like many many enhancements implemented in BOX during the last years these two extensions reflect strong customer requirements”, stated Reinhart Laumer, CEO and president of Intercope today at SIBOS in Osaka and explained: “BOX provides one of the most complete, comprehensive, and scalable solutions for all aspects of SWIFT message processing. The support of SEPA specific functions and EBICS is part of our commitment to support national and regional financial networks and standards complementary to SWIFT as our customers want to handle these various aspects of financial message processing within one unique solution”.
When you are at SIBOS don’t miss to visit booth 4E11 to see live demos of BOX and to discuss your specific requirements with Reinhart and his colleagues from Intercope.