BOX RMA compliant with SWIFTNet 7
The Relationship Management Application component of BOX for SWIFTNet (BOX RMA) has been certified by SWIFT for SWIFTNet 6.0 to 6.3. SWIFT have now successfully tested BOX RMA for compliance with SWIFTNet 7.0 (See: SWIFTNet 7.0 backward compatibility tests results).
With the advent of SWIFTNet Phase 2, Intercope incorporated the RMA component as part of the BOX product, and was the first vendor to receive SWIFT certification for this application. Since that time the application has been continuously enhanced and future versions will include RMA functionality for FileAct and InterAct for SWIFTNet 7.
Today BOX RMA is used by 23 customers in several countries including service provides who use the application on behalf of many financial institutions.
BOX RMA provides rich application functionality extending the scope of SWIFT mandatory features including functions such as an easy handling of multiple authorizations in one step, an RMA permission check by a SOA service and a MERVA interface and real-time updates for external CBT datastores. With the BOX CBT version available in Q4 2010, RMA handling is further streamlined as the CBT BOX component can directly access the BOX RMA datastore avoiding delays and the complexity of synchronization mechanisms.