BOX for SWIFTNet ready for IBM PureSystems
After MessagePlus/Open now also INTERCOPE’s SWIFT messaging solution “BOX for SWIFTNet” has been certified by IBM for the “Ready for PureSystems” label for a PureApplication system and can be easily deployed within minutes based on its approved deployment pattern.
The “PureApplication System” is a platform system designed and tuned specifically for transactional web and database applications. This workload-aware, flexible platform is designed to be easy to deploy, customize, safeguard and manage.
In addition certifications for the second flavor of PureSystems called “PureFlex Systems” are planned for MessagePlus/Open as well as for BOX for SWIFTNet.
Read more about BOX for SWIFTNet for IBM Pure Systems and contact us to download the application.
Have a look at BOX for SWIFTNet in the IBM PureSystems Centre